Retail concentrates a large volume of personal data and credit card information. As such, it needs to preserve data to guarantee good consumer experiences and privacy
We protect the most diverse sales stages
Today there are a large number of e-commerces, marketplaces, virtual shopkeepers and digital communication and sales channels. The data generated in these transactions needs to be preserved to guarantee customer privacy. The concern extends to physical stores, which also generate data all the time.
We protect the most diverse sales stages, monitor data storage and processing systems, and ensure that electronic payment transactions take place without risk of breach.
One of the great common characteristics of the retail sector is seasonality.
That's why it's important to have a secure cloud that can withstand the demands created by marketing campaigns, commemorative dates and so on. And ISH's cloud is designed for companies that need large volumes of storage and performance.
Monitoring, detection and response to cyber threats
Through our Cyber Security Operations Center (SOC), we monitor the company's environment around the clock to detect pattern changes of any kind, in users, applications, services and infrastructures. In the event of a security incident, we implement a response plan. We take action to remedy and contain the incident.
Backup and disaster recovery
We simplify data recovery, in a timely manner if necessary.
Our backup platform operates via the internet, guaranteeing the client geographical redundancy for the storage of protected information. In addition, our DRaaS simplifies the process of recovering the client's environment so that there is no interruption to business.
Protection against DDoS attacks
Fast and intelligent protection against sophisticated DDoS attacks. All ISH Datacenter customers have this service natively. The mitigation capacity is up to 1Tbps of traffic. It can also be offered in on-premises format, for customers who wish to protect their own Datacenters from this type of attack.
Our cyber security incident detection and response service is completely modular. The offer will be designed according to best practices, strategic planning and available budget.